Netanyahu Clinches Support of 64 MKs; Hadash-Ta’al Refrained from Giving a Recommendation

Far-right Likud chair Benjamin Netanyahu reached the required majority of recommendations from lawmakers to form the next government. At the end of the meetings with President Isaac Herzog with parties elected to the Knesset, which began on Wednesday and concluded on Friday morning, 64 members of the Knesset had recommended Netanyahu for prime minister and 28 members recommended Yesh Atid leader and current Prime Minister Yair Lapid. The remaining 28 Knesset members did not recommend that the mandate be given to either candidate.

President Hergoz met with Hadash-Ta’al delegation: MKs Aida Touma-Sliman, Osama Sa’adi, Ofer Cassif and Hadash Secretary, Mansour Dahamshe, Friday, November 11, 2022 (Photo: GPO)

The six parties or factions that recommended that Netanyahu receive the mandate were far-right, religious and racist Likud, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Religious Zionist, Otzma Yehudit and Noam. Just two parties recommended that the mandate be given to Lapid – Yesh Atid and Labor. Hadash-Ta’al joint list and Ra’am refrained from giving a recommendation.
