Peace Now official’s home vandalized by fascists

The phrases ” ” and “Rabin is waiting for you” were spray-painted overnight Tuesday near the residence of Peace Now official Hagit Ofran in Jerusalem. Tuesday evening marks the Jewish anniversary of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination.

The fascist vandals also wrote “Hagit Ofran – z”l (of blessed memory)” and “Givat Assaf” – an illegal outpost in the occupied Palestinian West Bank which is slated for evacuation. The phrase “regards from Oz Zion” was spray-painted in the building’s stairwell. Oz Zion is a West Bank settlement which was cleared on Monday

‘Hagit Ofran – z”l’ (Photo: Peace Now)

A vehicle bearing a “Peace Now” bumper sticker was vandalized nearby. The car does not belong to Ofran, who serves as the director of Peace Now’s Settlement Watch project.  Earlier this week the phrase “price tag” was spray-painted on the walls of Peace Now’s Jerusalem office. According to Peace Now, the suspected perpetrator apparently buzzed on the office’s intercom and said that a bomb had been hidden in the building, but no bomb was found.

About two months ago vandals wrote “the end is near” on the entrance to Ofran’s building. She told: “It is not pleasant but I am not the only one. Senior IDF officers and other activists have also (been targeted). We know who we are dealing with.”

According to the Peace Now spokesperson: “Settler extremists are attacking Peace Now because they know it is the chief watchdog challenging their belligerent agenda. While the settlers work to establish facts on the ground in the shadows, Peace Now’s Settlement Watch reports on their activities, including their stealing private Palestinians land. Recent Peace Now legal actions have led the Supreme Court to order the government to remove illegal outposts. In the media, on university campuses and in the public square.”