Palestinians, Israeli and international peace activists celebrate moving of Separation Wall

Palestinians together with Israeli and international peace activists celebrate last week’s moving of a portion of Israel’s West Bank Separation Wall, in the village of Bil’in, near Ramallah, yesterday (Friday). For the first time in years, the residents walked on some their lands which were until now on the other side of the Wall.

They held the midday prayers at the lands that Israeli returned to the farmers.
The crowd walked and danced until the newly built wall around Modi’in Illit Israeli settlement. The local residents also on Friday began to construct buildings in the newly accessible land. Israeli soldiers and settlers watched from a distance but no confrontations took place.

Palestinians together with Israeli and international peace activists
celebrate last week’s moving of a portion of Israel’s West Bank Separation Wall (Photo: Activestills)

The dismantling of the section near the village of Bilin comes four years after the Supreme Court ordered it torn down, rejecting the military’s argument that the route was necessary to secure the nearby Modiin Illit settlement.Due to the ruling, the villagers got back 275 of the 600 acres Israel took for the wall and the nearby settlement of Modi’in Illit.

The villagers of Bil’in started to organize non-violent demonstration against the building of the Wall and settlement 6 years ago. Since then, thousands were injured and two Palestinians had been killed during these demonstrations. Villagers woe to continue their struggle until all their lands are freed.

Mohammad Khatib, a member of the Bilin Popular Committee, told journalists that hundreds of people joined the party.  “Even though work to dismantle the fence is underway, the army blocked the gate to prevent people from going through it, but we brought a tractor that cleared the road and let people through,” he said.


“People were overjoyed and dancing. Some of them attempted to move towards the soldiers, but we prevented them from doing so because we didn’t want a clash,” Khatib said. “We’re not seeking violence; we merely wish to reach our land.”


Despite the celebration, members of the Bilin Popular Committee insist that future protests at the site are possible. “We’re not seeking a clash, yet if the army arrives and tries to raze our buildings, the situation may revert to what it was before and the clashes and protests will resume,” Khatib said.


In the framework of the celebrations, village residents are planning to hold the wedding celebration of a local couple next Friday on land that up until recently was beyond the security fence.

Dozens were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation yesterday as Israeli troops attacked the weekly anti-wall protests in a number of West Bank communities. This week, protests were reported in the villages of al-Nabi Salleh, and Nil’in in the central West Bank, as well as al-Ma’ssara in the south.
