Saturday: a massive rally in Tel-Aviv for the Palestinian state

Tomorrow, Saturday evening, will be a massive rally in Tel-Aviv for the Palestinian state. Under the banner “Netanyahu said no.’ Israelis say, ‘yes,’” peace and Left movements, parties and groups plan to rally for an independent Palestinian state at 7 p.m. in Kikar Rabin in the center of Tel Aviv.


Stop the Occupation

A Communist Party of Israel spokesman said:  “the rally was organized by major Israeli peace and human-rights groups, Jewish and Arab, and will be attended by Knesset Members from Hasdash, Meretz and Labour. Come say YES to sanity, coexistence, and responsibility for our children`s future, and NO to continued occupation, military repression and violent extremism. Show the Israeli government that the public is not behind it, in the efforts to smother Palestinian independence – both in declaration and on the ground”.

The spokesman agreed “It is time for Israel to choose to be on the right side of history. Enough! Recognize Reality! Recognize Palestine! Yes to the UN recognition of a Palestinian state along the June 4, 1967 borders”.

There will be massive transportation available from Jerusalem, Haifa, Akko, Beer-Sheva, Nazareth, western and central Galilee, Um el-Fakhem, Taybe, Carmiel, Tira, Afula, Hedera, Netanya, Shefa-amr, Sakhnin, Raanana, Kfar Sava and other 20 towns.