Hadash’s Call for the 4th of June 2011 Demonstration at Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv


Netanyahu’s government has other plans, but I and many other citizens know that the path to an Israeli-Palestinian peace will eventually amount to what  is already clear: 1967 lines as a border of peace between two states  coexisting in peace one next to the other, two capitals in Jerusalem, the  dismantling of the settlements and a just solution to the refugee problem.

The recognition of the Palestinian State in the general assembly of the UN in September is an important and concrete step in that direction.

Bibi Netanyahu’s refusals and rejections will lead us to disaster.

We will not let any blood be spilled in vain in useless wars.

I too support a Palestinian State with the 1967 borders alongside Israel.

I too know it is the only solution. 


The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (DFPE, “Hadash”/”Aljabha“)

is calling all Jews and Arabs, women and men,

to march together in the rally for the recognition of the Palestinian State

On Saturday, the 4th of June, 19:00 , Rabin Square, Tel-Aviv.



Netanyahu’s government has other plans, but I and many other citizens know

    > that the path to an Israeli-Palestinian peace will eventually amount to what

  > is already clear: 1967 lines as a border of peace between two states

> coexisting in peace one next to the other, two capitals in Jerusalem, the

> dismantling of the settlements and a just solution to the refugee problem.

> The recognition of the Palestinian State in the general assembly of the UN

> in September is an important and concrete step in that direction. Bibi

> Netanyahu’s refusals and rejections will lead us to disaster. We will not

> let any blood be spilled in vain in useless wars.