Israeli famous intellectuals signed a letter urging to recognize the Palestinian State

More than 20 Israeli famous intellectuals and public figures have signed yesterday (Friday) a letter urging European leaders to officially recognize an independent Palestinian State. The letter was initiated by the peace group Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement, the group which also organizes the weekly demonstrations in the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

“Peace has fallen hostage to the peace process,” the letter said. “As Israeli citizens, we announce that if and when the Palestinian people declare independence of a sovereign state that will exist next to Israel in peace and security, we will support such the announcement of the Palestinian State with borders based on the 1967 lines, with needed land swaps on a 1:1 basis.”

“We urge the countries of the world to declare their willingness to recognize a sovereign Palestinian State according to these principles,” the letter added.

“Netanyahu’s speech in Washington and the sweeping support he received from the U.S. Congress shows that the peace process has reached its end,” the statement added, stressing that Israel now has a choice between recognizing a Palestinian State or a renewed wave of violence.

The letter was signed, among others, by former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, former Foreign Ministry Director General Dr. Alon Liel, the former Ambassador to South Africa and the Philippines, Ilan Baruch; Nobel laureate Professor Daniel Kahneman, Israel Prize Winner Professor Avishai Margalit, former head of the Civil Service Commission Itzhak Galnoor, former president of the Israel Academy of Sciences Prof. Menahem Yaari, Israel Prize winner Prof. Yuval Yermiahu, the economist Prof. Arie Arnon and popular authors Nir Baram, Lea Eini, and Ronit Matalon.

Many of the letter signers will participate in a rally under the banner “Netanyahu said no.’ Israelis say, ‘YES,’” for a Palestinian state on Saturday night, June 4, 7 p.m. in Kikar Rabin in the center of Tel Aviv.

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash initiated the protests against continuing of Israeli occupation and for a massive Jewish and Arab rally for an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as Arab-Palestinian capital.

Peace groups like Peace Now and Gush Shalom are among a wide coalition of peace and Left groups and who are organizing the rally in June 4, along with members of the CPI – Hadash, Meretz and Labor parties.

“Peace has fallen hostage to the peace process,” the letter said. “As Israeli citizens, we announce that if and when the Palestinian people declare independence of a sovereign state that will exist next to Israel in peace and security, we will support such the announcement of the Palestinian State with borders based on the 1967 lines, with needed land swaps on a 1:1 basis.”

“We urge the countries of the world to declare their willingness to recognize a sovereign Palestinian State according to these principles,” the letter added.

“Netanyahu’s speech in Washington and the sweeping support he received from the U.S. Congress shows that the peace process has reached its end,” the statement added, stressing that Israel now has a choice between recognizing a Palestinian State or a renewed wave of violence.

The letter was signed, among others, by former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, former Foreign Ministry Director General Dr. Alon Liel, the former Ambassador to South Africa and the Philippines, Ilan Baruch; Nobel laureate Professor Daniel Kahneman, Israel Prize Winner Professor Avishai Margalit, former head of the Civil Service Commission Itzhak Galnoor, former president of the Israel Academy of Sciences Prof. Menahem Yaari, Israel Prize winner Prof. Yuval Yermiahu, the economist Prof. Arie Arnon and popular authors Nir Baram, Lea Eini, and Ronit Matalon.

Many of the letter signers will participate in a rally under the banner “Netanyahu said no.’ Israelis say, ‘YES,’” for a Palestinian state on Saturday night, June 4, 7 p.m. in Kikar Rabin in the center of Tel Aviv.

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash initiated the protests against continuing of Israeli occupation and for a massive Jewish and Arab rally for an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as Arab-Palestinian capital.

Peace groups like Peace Now and Gush Shalom are among a wide coalition of peace and Left groups and who are organizing the rally in June 4, along with members of the CPI – Hadash, Meretz and Labor parties.