Communist Party of Israel: “Netanyahu’s Govt Bears Full Responsibility for the Escalation”

In a statement concerning rapid escalation of military confrontation between Hamas and Israeli forces, the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash) blame Saturday the criminal occupation policy of the far-right Netanyahu government, underlining the grave dangers that it poses for the peace in the region.  “The fascist right-wing…

Occupation Forces Suppress Anti-Settlement Rally in Sheikh Jarrah, Five People Detained

Occupation forces in Friday evening quelled the anti-settlement rally in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem and detained five people, said eyewitnesses. They told WAFA that Israeli forces attacked participants in the peaceful rally that was held on the main street in the neighborhood, and detained five people, including four Israeli activists. One young member…

Hadash-Ta’al Proposes Bill to Strengthen Protection of Religious Symbols

Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary group has presented a bill to increase penalties for desecrating religious symbols of all three monotheistic faiths: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The bill was presented on Wednesday, following a wave of attacks on sacred places in Israel, including churches and mosques. These attacks, Hadash-Ta’al said, have threatened public order and personal security, as…

Israelis Rally Against Netanyahu’s Far-Right Govt for 39th Week Straight

Hundred thousand of Israelis rallied nationwide on Saturday night against the far-right government for the 39th week, after Yom Kippur saw the country’s religious-secular divide bitterly exposed at a public prayer service in Tel Aviv. Demonstrations were held across approximately 100 locations throughout the country, organizers said. Protesters in Tel Aviv blocked off the Ayalon…