Nationwide protests for Moshe Silman

  Solidarity protests were held throughout the country Saturday night in solidarity with the late Moshe Silman who set himself on fire last week during a social justice protest.  Silman succumbed to his wounds on Friday at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer where doctors were treating him for burns over the majority of his…

Occupation expands an academic college in West Bank settlement

  The “Judea and Samaria Council for Higher Education” in the occupied West Bank has decided on Tuesday to recognize the Ariel settlement’s college as a full-fledged university. The planning and budget committee of the Israel’s Council for Higher Education had recommended against the move. The decision was approved by 11 members of the committee,…

Hadash MK calls for legal action against racist MK Ben-Ari

Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein should press incitement charges against racist MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) for tearing a New Testament and throwing it in the trash MK Hanna Sweid (Hadash), said Wednesday. “This is hooliganism, bullying and an apocalyptic act of hatred that was baseless and unnecessary,” Sweid told The Jerusalem Post after Ben-Ari destroyed the…

MK Khenin: Public housing crisis a deliberate policy

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) accused the neo-liberal government of deliberately underfunding public housing in a Knesset special session Tuesday. “Too many people in Israeli society are finding themselves in an extreme crisis regarding housing,” he said. “When there are so many cases, it becomes clear – this is not a mistake, but rather, a policy.”…

12 detained during a demonstration in Nabi Saleh

An Israeli peace activist and an American journalist were among 12 people detained by soldiers on Friday during a demonstration in occupied West Bank, an activist group’s spokeswoman said. “The Israeli army arrested five Israeli peace activists including Jonathan Pollack and five foreigners as well as Ben Ehrenreich of the New York Times magazine and…