CPI: The South African decision delivers a clear message

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) welcomes the decision of the South African ministry of Trade and Industry, headed by Comrade Rob Davies (Member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party), to ban labeling of West Bank settlement products as “Made in Israel”. The policies pursued by the Israeli government, of expanding…

An activist being arrested by Israeli police during the demonstration in support of Palestinian hunger-striking prisoners in front of Ramle Prison, Israel, on May 3, 2012

Police Beat Handcuffed Detainees in Palestinian Solidarity Protest

The Justice Ministry has received complaints of severe police violence against demonstrators, including the use of Taser electroshock weapons, beating and kicking bound detainees, racist verbal abuse and sexual harassment of female detainees. The complaints were filed to the ministry’s department for investigation of police officers by the Adalah advocacy group two weeks ago, after…

Haifa University bans Nakba Day event

200 Haifa University students and lecturers, among them Hadash chairman MK Muhammad Barakeh, protested on Wednesday against the institution’s decision to ban a Nakba Day event scheduled by Hadash to take place on campus. The decision came two days after a “Nakba Day” memorial ceremony take place at Tel-Aviv University. Haifa University officials said that…

Hadash against Interior Minister’s racist statement

The African refugees in Israel should be rounded up in prisons or holding facilities and then deported from the country, Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) said in a radio interview on Wednesday morning. “They should be put into holding cells or jails,” he said, “and then given a grant and sent back” to their countries of…