MK Barakeh to Netanyahu: Hadash will be an active opposition

Hadash Chairman MK Mohammad Barakeh confirmed, on Monday, that the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality will be a fighting and active opposition to any government formed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. During a telephone call with Netanyahu, MK Barakeh said his front’s political, economic and social stances were opposite those of the prime minister’s.…

Hadash chooses not to endorse any candidate for PM

The Hadash delegation met with President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem on Thursday and told him the front has chosen not to endorse anyone to form the next government. “We represent a front that is based on unity, equality and coexistence. A peace agreement must be made between two nations: Israel and Palestine,” Hadash delegation said…

Leading Communist Party member MK Barakeh again in court

MK Dov Khenin testified in defense of fellow Hadash chairman MK Muhammad Barakeh on Sunday in the trial against him over two separate alleged altercations, one during a 2005 demonstration in Bil’in (a Palestinian village in the occupied territories) and another in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in 2006 against the war in Lebanon. The two…

Hadash activists carrying red flags and red banners during the massive Israeli social protest, July 2011

On Hadash and the Israeli Elections

Today, on Tuesday January 22, Israelis vote. Latest poll number show 63% right-wing and extreme-right coalition support. It’s comprised of Likud, Yisrael Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, Shas, and United Torah Judaism.  Pollsters asked respondents what issues matter most and socio-economic concerns by far ranked highest. Nearly half said they determine their choice. Likud and other right-wing…

MK Khenin: Netanyahu government is dangerous for Israel

In the eve of the Knesset elections, Hadash MK Dov Khenin answers Haaretz readers’ questions in real time on Wednesday about chances of joining the next government, the situation in Syria and the two-state solution.  Haaretz readers were given the opportunity to ask MK Khenin about his political positions, individual rights, the social protest and…

MK Barakeh in court over 2005 and 2006 assault charges

 Hadash Chairman Mohammad Barakeh arrived in the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court Sunday to testify in proceedings held against him for allegedly assaulting a police officer in 2005. Barakeh said: “I can’t believe someone in my position has to be dragged to court like this. This is a cynical play by the prosecution.” On Sunday, the…

Hadash against Elections Committee decision to ban MK Haneen Zoabi

Israel’s Central Election Committee (CEC) voted on Wednesday to disqualify Arab Knesset Member Haneen Zoabi from participating in the coming elections. MK Zoabi is the number two candidate on Balad’s Knesset list. The decision is automatically transferred to the Supreme Court, which will hear the appeal next week. Earlier today, Balad announced that if the…

Hadash MK requests: Don’t discriminate Arab voters

Media and polling organizations in Israel are neglecting the Arab-Palestinians voters, ahead of January’s elections by not including the Arab parties in their polls, according to Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel). MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) sent a letter of complaint to Elyakim Rubinstein, a Supreme Court judge…