MK Barakeh to Netanyahu: Hadash will be an active opposition

Hadash Chairman MK Mohammad Barakeh confirmed, on Monday, that the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality will be a fighting and active opposition to any government formed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. During a telephone call with Netanyahu, MK Barakeh said his front’s political, economic and social stances were opposite those of the prime minister’s.

MK Barakeh with MK Afo Agbarieh during a demonstration held in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Hadash)

Netanyahu said he saw himself as the prime minister of the “entire population” and saw the development of Arab communities in Israel “as important”. MK Barakeh responded by saying that despite the wide differences between his party and those that will comprise the government, it was Hadash’s expectation that “every government will do what is demanded by us for an Israeli-Palestinian just peace and for the Arab population in Israel.”