Hadash chooses not to endorse any candidate for PM

The Hadash delegation met with President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem on Thursday and told him the front has chosen not to endorse anyone to form the next government. “We represent a front that is based on unity, equality and coexistence. A peace agreement must be made between two nations: Israel and Palestine,” Hadash delegation said to Peres. Thus, the Hadash front joined Livni’s Hatnua, the Labor Party, Ra’am-Ta’al, Balad and Meretz in choosing not to endorse any candidate for prime minister.

Peres meets with representatives of Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel), MK Hanna Sweid, MK Afo Agbaryia, Nabila Espanioly and Dr. Yeela Raanan, to discuss forming a new Israeli government on. President Peres hosted the heads of the major political parties for consultations before deciding on whom to choose as prime minister-designate to form a new coalition. Likud-Beytenu and Yesh Atid, the two largest lists with 31 and 19 seats in the 19th Knesset, respectively, recommended Binyamin Netanyahu to Peres, as 30 more MKs from religious extreme right wing party HaBayit HaYehudi, and the two ultra orthodox parties Shas and United Torah Judaism.