The advantages of the Palestinian statehood bid

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas headed (18.9) to New York at the head of a large delegation of officials. Saeb Erekat On the eve of the UN vote, Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat said that the PA leadership, in cooperation with the Arab League and Qatar, has sought legal advice from all around the world…

Palestinian request for UN membership

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said (15.9) that the Palestinians will submit a bid for full membership at the United Nations Security Council on September 23, but said that they would be open to other suggestions. Riyad al-Malki (center) with president of Honduras   The remarks by Malki put an end to speculation that the…

Israeli and Palestinian Women Demonstrate Together

On both sides of the Qalandia Checkpoint (near Jerusalem) Saturday, September 17th, 11:00    YES to an Independent Palestinian State! For Full UN Membership to Palestine!   As we approach the UN general assembly’s discussion of the appeal to recognize an independent Palestinian state in 1967 borders, Israeli and Palestinian women work together, since June…

Joint left-wing Palestinians and Israeli parties and groups statement in support of the social struggle in Israel

A large group of left-wing Palestinian and Israeli parties, unions and civil society groups has issued an unprecedented joint statement in support of the Israeli struggle for social justice. The signatories demand unity in the struggle against occupation and racism. Half-million protest in Tel-Aviv, last Saturday, September 3, 2011 (Photo: Activestills) For the first time…

Palestinian apply for full U.N. membership

Hanan Ashrawi, a leading member of the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO], said today’ that the U.N. initiative was a step towards “breaking Israel’s power hold over us and the American monopoly over peacemaking.” Hanan Ashrawi She also warned of “hysterical” Israeli responses to the diplomatic move, adding that reports of the Israeli army training Jewish…

WikiLeaks: Israel uses drones to assassinate Gaza citizens

Leaked document reveals IDF Advocate-General informed U.S. of use of unmanned aircraft, armed with missiles, to kill 16 Palestinians at a Gaza mosque. The IDF uses unmanned aircraft to assassinate militants, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks. Israeli unmanned aircraft (IDF spokesman)  The IDF Advocate-General Maj. Gen. Avichai Mandelblit revealed this information…