Haifa: A protest against the attack on Iran

This past Friday (August 10) dozens rallied in Haifa against the attack on Iran. Last Monday, (August 6) two hundred demonstrated outside the Defense Ministry, with the call: “Do not bomb. Talk! Rather than continuing the rhetoric of intimidation, it is time that the State of Israel will agree to join the regional talks, due…

Israeli Facebook campaign against an Iran strike

Israel Defense Forces officials recently told the Knesset that roughly 300 Israelis would die as a the result of a concentrated Iranian missile attack. The number is lower than Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s estimation of 500. It was high enough, however, to drive a Facebook campaign.  The campaign, launched by Blue Collar Agency, aims to…

Open skies’ re-opens labor dispute

The Histadrut labor federation has announced the resumption of the labor dispute at Israel‘s airlines after neo-liberal Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz signed an Open Skies agreement with the European Union. The deal, which was signed on Monday, allows European air carriers to operate flights from any location within the EU to Israel, while Israeli air…