Communist and Workers’ Parries Joint Declaration in Solidarity with the Iranian People

Dozens of communist and workers’ parties published recently the following joint declaration on the latest developments in the Iran since mid-September 2022:   In line with the Action Plan unanimously agreed at the 22nd International Meeting of Communists and Worker’s Parties in Havana, Cuba, held in October 2022, we express “our solidarity with the just causes of…

Academia for Equality Protest to UNESCO: Ariel University is Not in the State of Israel

Academia for Equality, an Israeli left-wing organization with a membership of more than 700 university and college lecturers and professors, sent the following letter last week to the International Association of Universities, International Universities Bureau at UNESCO: “We are writing to you regarding the status of the institute known as ‘Ariel University’. This institute is…

Far-right Opposes Tibi as Deputy Speaker

The far-right and Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties want to keep Hadash-Ta’al MK Ahmad Tibi away from the role of deputy Knesset speaker, a position he has held since 2006 until 2022, Channel 12 news reported. MK Ahmad Tibi, deputy Knesset speaker, October 2022 (Photo: Knesset) The network, citing sources in Religious Zionism and…

MK Cassif: “Ben Gvir Law is Dangerous and Fascist”

The fascist Otzma Yehudit party said Thursday morning that it had reached an agreement with incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party on the key content to be featured in their yet-to-be-signed coalition deal, hours after Netanyahu formally notified President Isaac Herzog that he had succeeded in cobbling together what will be Israel’s most reactionary…