Israeli activists and African refugees protest in the center of Tel Aviv against the forced deportation of Sudanese asylum-seekers. February 28, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

Israeli human rights organizations against the deportation of asylum-seekers

In response to reports of an agreement to deport asylum-seekers from Israel to Uganda, Israeli human rights organizations said they doubted the likelihood that the agreement will materialize. In a joint statement the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Hotline for Migrant Workers, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, A.S.A.F., Amnesty International Israel and Kav…

Secret deportation of Sudanese migrants

News that Israel has deported secretly more than 1,000 Sudanese migrants and refugees via a third country sparked an outcry Tuesday among human rights activists. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) calling for them to be halted immediately. MK Khenin also asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to investigate who ordered the repatriation in the first place. Sudan…