Stop the war against Iran – before it begins

Intervention in the 18th General Assembly of World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) by the Young Communist League of Israel (YCLI) Dear Comrades, The Young Communist League of Israel thanks the JCP for hosting this assembly. Today’s assembly convenes at a time of great political unrest in the Middle East region. There are increasing signs…

AKEL sent a solidarity message to the Communist Party of Israel

AKEL (The Progressive Party of Working People) Central Committee sent from Nicosia, Cyprus, a solidarity message to the Communist Party of Israel to “its struggles for the foundation of a Palestinian state”: “AKEL expresses its full solidarity with the Communist Party of Israel and all the pro-peace forces in Israel to their struggle against the…

A new report on the critical situation of workers in the occupied Arab-Palestinian territories

  The annual report of the International Labour Office (ILO) on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories published yesterday (Friday) shows some improvement in the economic situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory although the latter remains precarious, particularly in Gaza. The report attributes this improvement to an accelerated growth rate and a…

Together against racist laws

  Following the “transfer exercise”: Jews and Arabs will demonstrate together in Tel Aviv on Saturday night against the descent into fascism   This Saturday night (Oct. 16) at 7 pm, a mass Jewish-Arab demonstration will be held in Tel Aviv under the banners “Together against racist laws” and “Against transfer and despair – marching…

International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties


New Delhi, November 20-22, 2009


Intervention by Faten Ghattas, Communist Party of Israel


Dear Comrades


It is a pleasure to participate in this important meeting of communist parties and unions from around the world as a representative of the Israeli Communist Party, the party internationalist Jewish – Arab, that our participation in this meeting comes from the strategic vision of the importance of sharing ideas and attitudes and create a unified strategy for our party to stand in the forefront of the struggle against capitalism and class oppression and for social justice and socialism and peace.