The GUE/NGL European Parliament Group in solidarity with the Palestinian people (Photo: AKEL)

Regional Meeting of Communist and Workers parties of the Middle East: Statement in solidarity with Palestine

The undersigned parties and international organizations convened in Larnaka, Cyprus on the 24th and 25 of November 2014 under the slogan “Towards a Just and Lasting Peace & for Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and after thorough deliberations and discussions have agreed on the following statement: They call to:          -Recognize an independent viable state…

Greetings to Sweden

Tel Aviv, 7.10.2014 Dear Sir, Madame, The Communist Party of Israel (CPI), Arabs and Jews alike, congratulate Mr. Stefan Löfven, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden, on his appointment to Prime Minister and the formation of a new leftist government in Sweden. We are especially delighted and salute Mr. Löfven and the new…

Abbas must seek recognition from UN, not U.S.

Dancing the tango with a cactus is a bad idea. Not only are you dancing by yourself, you’re also going to be pricked by the thorns. But this is exactly what Mahmoud Abbas has been doing since last July, when he agreed that peace negotiations between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Israeli government…