ACRI Report Condemns Bill Allowing Suspension of MKs

Prior to the discussion in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Knesset on February 23, 2016 on the proposed bill which would allow the Knesset to indefinitely suspend any member of that body for “inappropriate behavior,” the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) released a position paper on the proposed legislation. It…

Joint List MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), right, shared a photo on Facebook of the lawmakers removed from the session, which included all the members present from Kulanu, the Zionist Union, Meretz, and the Joint List.

Ten MKs Booted Out of Knesset Meeting with Fascist Leader

Ten opposition lawmakers were ejected from a raucous Knesset committee meeting on Tuesday morning, November 10, after they protested the presence of the leader of the fascist Lehava group at the session. Bentzi Gopstein, who dubbed the lawmakers “terrorists” and “traitors,” was not asked to leave. The Knesset’s Internal Affairs Committee was meeting to discuss…

Knesset Passes Controversial, Fascistic “Counterterrorism Bill”

By a vote of 45-14, the Knesset passed the first reading of a controversial counterterrorism bill overnight Thursday, September 3. The bill significantly broadens the definition of “terrorism” and what constitutes a “terrorist organization” while simultaneously toughening punishments for such acts. The Zionist Union, the main opposition party, voted in support of the bill which…

Israeli settlers at the Hebron Jewish settlement’s Purim costume parade on the city’s segregated Shuhada Street. Honenu attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir (Left), is wearing signs indicating that he is dressed as a hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner. February 24, 2013. A settler on the right is wearing a T-shirt of Kach, which is a designated terrorist group both in Israel and the United States.

Organization Providing Legal Services to Rightist Terrorists Receives Tax-Deductible Donations

Honenu, an organization that provides legal services to extreme-right terrorists and violent settlers, and which gives financial support to their families, receives tax-deductible donations recognized by both Israel and US tax authorities. Calling itself an “Israeli Zionist legal aid organization,” Honenu is based in Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement of 7,500 encroaching on and regularly…