Waleldin at a protest for refugee rights at Tel-Aviv University (Photo: Danielle Shitrit)

Hate crimes against refugees in Israel go unabated

Hate crimes against asylum-seekers rarely receive media coverage or public attention in Israel, but they continue unabated and most of the perpetrators are never brought to justice. The victims are afraid of filing complaints with the police or feel that there is no point in doing so, and policemen at times belittle the victims. In…

An African asylum seeker holding matzah and an alternative Passover Haggadah outside the Holot detention center (Photo: Ziv Oren)

Hundreds of refugees and Israeli activists hold Passover Seder outside prison

Israeli activists and African asylum seekers held an alternative Passover Seder event Friday outside the Holot detention center in the Negev desert, where 1,800 African migrants are currently being held. Hundreds of African asylum seekers from the detention center attended the event, during which activists highlighted the connection between the story of the Jewish exodus from…

Women say "No to NATO" in London, 2010 (Photo: Notowar)

Joint Statement on 65 years of NATO: For Peace! No to NATO!

Ever since it was created, 65 years ago, NATO has been an imperialist political-military bloc, a key element in its strategy of domination and exploitation, and of confrontation with the then USSR and socialist countries. NATO is responsible for the unending arms race, and the USA and its allies are responsible for over two thirds…

Israeli activists and African asylum seekers jailed in Holot detention center protest outside Saharonim prison in solidarity with African asylum seekers on hunger strike, January 18, 2014. About 50 African asylum seekers have been on hunger strike for two weeks (Photo: Activestills)

Human rights organizations call on the government to recognize the rights of asylum seekers

Human rights organizations: Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Hotline for Refugees and Migrants and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, call on the Israeli government to recognise and protect the needs and rights of asylum seekers in its territory. Israel is home to about 53,000 African asylum seekers. According to the Ministry of Interior (MOI), 49,000 of…