Under the banner “Human Rights are Not Terror,” Hadash and Communist activists protested outside the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, October 26, against Israel’s decision to designate six Palestinian human rights and civil organizations as terrorist groups.

MESA Endorses AFE Statement in Support of Palestinian Civil Society

The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) endorsed last week a statement issued earlier by the Israeli Academy for Equality (AFE) on Palestinian civil society organizations.  In its statement, Academy for Equality had condemned Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s designation of Palestinian civil society groups late last month as “terrorist organizations.” Under the…

NGOs: Israel’s Development of E1 Zone Will Thwart Palestinian State

The construction of 3,500 settler homes in E1 zone between Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley is designed to thwart Palestinian state, architect Uri Reicher testified this week at the Higher Planning Council of the Israeli occupation Civil Administration hearing on the project. “Israeli construction on E1 harms Palestine’s future growth potential and therefore closes the…

Joint List lawmaker Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) addresses protesting daycare center workers who gathered near the Knesset, October 5, 2021.

Arabs Are Here by Mistake, Racist Leader Tells Joint List Lawmakers

The chairman of the far-right Religious Zionism party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, told Joint List lawmakers on Wednesday October 13, “You are here by mistake – because Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and throw you out in 1948.” The racist Smotrich also called Arab lawmakers “supporters of terror” and “enemies.” Smotrich made these remarks, his most recent tirade against…

Palestinians protest in Al-Bireh on Wednesday, November 18, against US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Psagot settlement and winery. The residents of Al-Bireh have seen their land taken over by Psagot and other Israeli outposts in the area, including some landowners who hold US citizenship. Pompeo is the first high-ranking US official to have visited an Israeli settlement in the heart of the West Bank.

163 UN States Support Palestinian Statehood & An End to Occupation

A United Nations General Assembly committee endorsed overwhelming on Thursday, November 19, a draft resolution recognizing “the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine.” Israel and the United States voted against the resolution. The proposal put forward in the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee — the committee…