Protests in Israel Oppose Deadly Gaza Escalation

Protests leaded by Hadash and the Communist Party were held in several locations across Israel on Wednesday evening against the Israel Defense Forces’ deadly operation ongoing in Gaza, launched a day earlier. Protests were held in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Arrabah in the Galilee and other locations. Hundreds, among them Hadash and Communist Party activists, gathered opposite…

PA: Daily Israeli Killing of Palestinians is an All-out War

The daily killings carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people, the latest of which was yesterday (Tuesday) in Jenin refugee camp, and the bombing of homes with rockets and explosive shells is an all-out war and destroys everything, said Palestinian President spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh. He stressed in a statement that…

Occupation Army Blocks Solidarity March to Huwara

Occupation soldiers clashed with hundreds of Israeli peace activists trying to enter the West Bank Palestinian town of Huwara on a solidarity visit following a deadly settlers’ pogrom there earlier in the week. Four protesters who tried to go around the army roadblock were detained. Footage from the scene on Friday morning, showed troops scuffling…