MK Touma-Sliman during a demonstration for Arab-Bedouin rights in the Negev, August 2015

MK Touma-Sliman: Battle for Equality and Ending the Occupation are Inseparable

A leading Knesset member from the Joint List has described press reports of a $3.8 billion budget allocation to improve infrastructure and services in Arab communities in Israel has been exaggerated upward. In an interview with Al-Monitor, Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman commented, “Our estimate is that it amounts to nearly 10 billion shekels [$2.5 billion].” Touma-Sliman…

MK Ayman Odeh, last week

Gov’t to Place Conditions on Aid Package for Arab National Minority

Channel 2 News reported Monday night, January 4, that in the wake of last Friday’s terror attack in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering withholding funds earmarked for Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel unless they accept new measures for “increased law enforcement.” According to the report, the prime minister instructed government ministers Ze’ev Elkin…