MK Touma-Sliman (fourth from right) during a demonstration against murder of women

Police Reject FOI Request on Women Murdered by Partners

The Israel Police have declined a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by the daily newspaper Haaretz regarding women who were murdered during the past decade by their intimate partners or ex-partners, responding that the requested information does not fall under the FOI act. Haaretz requested the names and personal details of the victims, whether…

Ministerial Turf Wars Delaying Action to Stop Domestic Violence

The government is dragging its feet in advancing a national program to significantly decrease domestic violence. The ministerial committee for domestic violence has repeatedly put off authorizing the program, which it received four months ago. During these months, three women have been murdered, ostensibly by their husbands or partners. In response to the government’s inaction,…

Palestinian and Israeli Women: Break the Wall!

This coming International Women’s Day (March 7), Palestinian and Israeli women are planning a joint demonstration to be held at the foot of the separation wall at the Qalandia check-point. Scheduled to begin at 11:00 am, the Saturday demonstration will take place under the banner “Women Break the Wall.” The Movement of Democratic Women in Israel…

Hundreds of Sudanese asylum seekers marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and marched from Tel-Aviv to Ramat-Gan (Photo: Activestills)

Sudanese Refugees Protest Gender Violence in Darfur

On Tuesday, November 25, hundreds of Sudanese asylum seekers marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by demonstrating in Tel-Aviv against the European Union’s lack of action towards Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. This protest comes in the wake of the mass rape of hundreds of women and girls in Darfur by al-Bashir’s…