Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

Israel passes law banning calls for boycott

The “Boycott Bill” was approved in its final reading in the Knesset on Monday night (July 11), after a plenum discussion that lasted nearly six hours and uncertainty throughout the day as to whether a vote would take place.   A poster by Peace Now: “Arrested me” The bill passed with 47 in favor and…

A new report on the critical situation of workers in the occupied Arab-Palestinian territories

  The annual report of the International Labour Office (ILO) on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories published yesterday (Friday) shows some improvement in the economic situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory although the latter remains precarious, particularly in Gaza. The report attributes this improvement to an accelerated growth rate and a…

Israeli famous intellectuals signed a letter urging to recognize the Palestinian State

More than 20 Israeli famous intellectuals and public figures have signed yesterday (Friday) a letter urging European leaders to officially recognize an independent Palestinian State. The letter was initiated by the peace group Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement, the group which also organizes the weekly demonstrations in the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. “Peace…

May Day in Tel-Aviv, 2010

An Appeal for Worker Unity in the Face of Capitalist Rule

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) applauds the ascent of class struggle, as manifested in the important, prolonged strikes by the social workers, doctors, and the employees of the First International Bank of Israel (Bank Benleumi); as evidenced in the waves of organizing at factories, in private companies, and in the public sector; and as…

From the Fatah-Hamas Accord to UN Recognition of the Palestinian State

Statement of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) welcomes the accord initialed by representatives of the Fatah and Hamas movements, concerning the establishment of an interim unity government, and preparations for elections for the Presidency, the Parliament, and the Palestinian National Council within eight months. An accord between Fatah and Hamas…

Peace is possible, but not the Obama-Netanyahu way

Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel  “The key to success for any political negotiations is the will on the Israeli side to put an end to the occupation and to remove the settlements in order to enable the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, besides…