Communist and Workers’ Parries Joint Declaration in Solidarity with the Iranian People

Dozens of communist and workers’ parties published recently the following joint declaration on the latest developments in the Iran since mid-September 2022:   In line with the Action Plan unanimously agreed at the 22nd International Meeting of Communists and Worker’s Parties in Havana, Cuba, held in October 2022, we express “our solidarity with the just causes of…

Thousands of Palestinians attend the funeral of the Abu Hatab family in Gaza City. Eight children and two women were killed in the three-store building in the Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, which collapsed following an Israeli airstrike, May 15, 2021.

Communist & Workers’ Parties Deplore Continued Gaza Bloodshed

The undersigned communist and workers’ parties strongly and unequivocally condemn Israel’s aggression being meted out against Palestinians in Jerusalem – as well as the continued military bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in the killing of scores of Palestinian civilians and the maiming of hundreds more, among them children. Israel’s brazen violation of international humanitarian…

MK Ayman Odeh participated in the demonstration at Jerusalem’s Paris Square Saturday night, August 1, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose resignation the protestors called for. The printed red Hadash placard reads" When the government is against the people, the people are against the government." The hand-written sign held aloft by Odeh satirically synthesizes government pronouncements: "Current status: 16 year old leftist anarchist is spreading diseases."

Racist Netanyahu Incites against Hadash MK Odeh’s Part in Protests

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Joint List leader, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) publicly exchanged personalized political acrimony on Sunday, August 2, over the latter’s participation in a mass anti-Netanyahu protest in Jerusalem, Saturday night, alongside Hadash MK Ofer Cassif (Joint List). Netanyahu, increasingly irritated by the demonstrations outside his residence, used the Hadash MK as…

"No to annexation", a Hadash poster in the demonstration held last Saturday evening, June 6, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square where several thousand protesters participated

The Palestinian People’s Struggle Stands to Gain Increased Impetus

As Israel’s far-right government undertakes the annexation process of West Bank settlements and interconnecting roads as well the Jordan Valley, the Turkish Communist website SoL News interviewed representatives of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Palestinian People’s Party (PPP), regarding Israel’s intentions, and the struggles of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples against them. SoL:…

Palestinians protest the US-Israeli "Deal of the Century" in the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, May 30, 2020.

Communist Parties: “Occupation is Terror; Annexation is Apartheid!”

In a joint initiative by the Palestinian People’s Party and the Communist Party of Israel, dozens of Communist and Workers’ parties from around the world have signed the following statement entitled: “Occupation is Terror; Annexation is Apartheid.” Yesterday, June 5, 2020 marked the 53rd anniversary of the launching of Israel’s war of aggression of 1967, in which…

73 Communist & Workers Parties Demand Immediate Measures to Protect Peoples’ Health and Rights

Seventy-three Communist and Workers Parties from around the world have issued a joint statement on the global situation created in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Initiated by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the signatory CPs express their support for both medical personnel and those suffering from the disease and denounce the huge shortages…