Dorit Rabinyan, author of the novel Gader Haya (Borderlife)

Education Ministry Bans Novel Depicting Arab-Jewish Love

Knesset members from Hadash expressed outrage on Wednesday evening, December 30, following reports that the Education Ministry has decided to disqualify a novel depicting a romance between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man from being taught in Israeli high schools. Dorit Rabinyan’s book Gader Haya (“Living Fence,” but published in its English translation under…

Oded Gelfand on Facebook, October 2015: "Hate is not a value, racism is not the way."

Facebook Campaign Battles Hatred of Arabs

The wave of Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis and the occupation of the Palestinian territories is riling social media. An Israeli soldier named Eden Levy, however, posted last week a photo on Facebook— she had scrawled on her palm: “Hating Arabs isn’t racism, it reflects values.” Levy removed the photo after it had garnered 20,000…