Peace activists turned the water in the fountain at Trump Square red in the Israeli city of Petah Tikva on Monday, June 29, to protest the Netanyahu government's intention to annex parts of the West Bank. Graffiti scrawled at the base of the fountain read "Annexation will cost us blood."

Joint List Urges Major British Parties to Oppose Annexation

The Joint List called on Britain’s biggest political parties to vigorously oppose Israel’s plans to annex parts of the Palestinian occupied West Bank. The two letters, dated June 26 were penned by Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen, the head of the Joint List’s international relations committee, and were sent to the UK Conservative party leader, Prime…

Leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel's imminent annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories. The white banner to the left reads: "Israel is not a democracy… Apartheid."

More Protests against Annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territories

Dozens of leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel’s “colonialist policies and plans to formally annex” occupied Palestinian territories. The protesters barricaded the central downtown road with concrete barriers and fences, on which they raised banners in Hebrew, Arabic and English reading: “No to annexation, No to apartheid”…