New Yesh Din report: The road to dispossession

Some 100 outposts – illegal Jewish settlement points in the West Bank – have been built to date. In a new Yesh Din report, the settlement of Adei Ad serves as a test case illustrating how the foundation and establishment of an outpost leads the farmers in the nearby villages to lose their ability to…

Occupation forces evacuated Palestinian protest village

Israeli occupation forces on Sunday dismantled a protest village set up by Palestinian activists east of Jerusalem last week. The activists erected the tents on Wednesday in time for US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In a statement, the activists described the initiative as “first, to claim our right as…

Settler leader calls new Israeli government ‘a wet dream’

The new Netanyahu right-wing and neo-liberal coalition will give settlers and their supporters more executive power than any previous government in Israel has until now. According to Noam Sheizaf (+972 site): “With the Housing and Industry ministries in their hand, and political ally Moshe Ya’alon as the new defense minister, the settlers are very pleased…