Israel punishes Palestinian hunger-strikers

Israel has taken measures against some 1,200 Palestinian prisoners on a hunger strike, denying them family visits and separating them from inmates not taking part in the protest, prison authorities said on Monday. The open-ended strike, dubbed the “battle of empty stomachs” by organizers, began last Tuesday. The prisoners are demanding better jail conditions and…

Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. The placard in the foreground reads: "This is our land!"; the sign to the left says: "One voice - No to the Prawer Plan."

Prawer Plan Promotes Racial Discrimination against Bedouin

Human rights organizations Adalah and Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) formally submitted last week their reservations to the government’s legislative proposal to implement the Prawer Plan for Bedouin in the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev (the “Memorandum of Law to Regulate the Bedouin Settlement in the Negev – 2012″). The government established the…

Tel Aviv University students: End Palestinians ‘administrative detention’

In a show of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in administrative detention, several dozen students from Tel Aviv University held a demonstration on Monday afternoon. Dozens of  students, lecturers and university professors, among them Hadash and Communist Party activists, called for an end to the practice, which allows Israel to indefinitely detain security prisoners without charge…

All port workers go on strike

The port workers’ union and the Histadrut Labor Federation announced on Sunday morning that ports in Ashdod, Haifa and Eilat will be going on strike with no set timeframe after negotiations over pension funds failed to yield results. The most important employers’ organization, the Israel’s Manufacturers’ Association, has motioned the National Labor Court to issue…