Thousands take part in the funeral of Yakoub Abu Al-Qian, who was killed on January 18, 2017 by Israeli police during the house demolition operation in Umm el-Hiram.

Minister Raises Fears of More House Demolitions after Deadly Action against Umm al-Hiran

A call by Construction Minister Yoav Galant to “concentrate” Arab-Bedouin citizens into “permitted areas” is raising fears of further demolition operations to follow the January 18 police action in Umm al-Hiran that destroyed 10 houses and left a policeman and an Arab-Bedouin teacher dead. Galant’s remarks Tuesday, January 31, came two weeks after a court-sanctioned…

Racially inciting graffiti in Hebron nearby to Israel’s Kiryat Arba settlement

Palestinian Officials Condemn Plans for Settlement Expansion

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned on Wednesday evening, January 25, that Israel’s governmental plans to build 2,500 housing units in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank would have “major and dangerous consequences.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman approved plans for the construction on Tuesday, with Israeli newspaper Haaretz quoting…