Protests in Israel Oppose Deadly Gaza War

Protests were held in several locations across Israel on Saturday against the Israel Defense Forces’ deadly operation ongoing in Gaza, launched a day earlier. Protests were held in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Shefa-amr, Umm el-Fahm, Sakhnin, Rahat, Kufr Yasif, Jaffa, Taibe and opposite the house of Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Tel Aviv. Hundreds gathered opposite…

Palestinians Hold Protests against Biden’s Visit

Thousands of Palestinians on Thursday staged demonstrations in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip against U.S. President Joe Biden’s first visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories, slamming his biased stance on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Palestinians protest against U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit, in Gaza City, July 14, 2022 (Photo: Xinhua) In the coastal…

Municipalities Must Act in Accordance with the Law, Kav LaOved

Following recent calls by municipalities not to employ Palestinian from the occupied territories and Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel workers, Kav-LaOved, Center for Workers Rights addressed Interior and Economy Ministers as well as the Chairman Union of Local Authorities, calling for their immediate intervention to clarify the legal obligations of local municipalities to act in accordance…

Imprisoned Palestinian Lawyer Makes Submission to the International Criminal Court

Civil society and human organizations welcomed a communication submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of 37-year-old, Palestinian-French and human rights defender, and lawyer, Salah Hamouri, which details years of persecution and new tactics to forcibly transfer Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem. The Center for Constitutional Rights…

Visitor Limit for Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a “Flagrant Violation” of Palestinian Rights

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Interior Minister Omer Bar-Lev have been told that the decision to limit the number of Christians visiting Jerusalem’s historic Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a “flagrant violation” of Palestinian rights. The Jerusalem’s historic Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Photo: Wikimedia) “Imposing restrictions and limiting the number of worshippers…

Palestinian Lawyer Sues Pegasus Spyware Maker in France

Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri, who is in Israeli “administrative” detention, filed a complaint in France Tuesday against surveillance firm NSO Group for having “illegally infiltrated” his mobile phone with the spyware Pegasus. In October 2021, Hamouri contacted Front Line Defenders to initiate an examination of his phone after learning of the infiltration of other Palestinian…