More Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike

The number of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails has grown to 2,000, with more preparing to join the protest next week, according to human rights groups in the West Bank. The Israeli prison service is taking punitive measures against hunger strikers, including solitary confinement, the confiscation of personal belongings, transfers and denial…

Criminal trial of MK Mohammed Barakeh begins

The trial of Knesset Member (MK) Mohammed Barakeh, head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (“Hadash” or “Jabha”), begins yesterday, Wednesday (April 18) in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court. The trial opened with two days of evidentiary and witness hearings to be held on Wednesday 18 April and Sunday 22 April 2012. The…

A Colonel who justified hitting Palestinian detainees promoted

Former Kfir Brigade Commander Itai Virob, who condoned violence against Palestinians during operational activities in his testimony in military court, will be promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and will serve as chief officer of the infantry and paratroopers. Israeli soldiers during a protest against the wall in Bil’in, May 2010 (Photo: Activestills)   The…

Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

International Solidarity Day with Sheikh Jarrah struggle

For the past year there has been an ongoing struggle in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Palestinian East-Jerusalem, this struggle is growing and at the same time the Israeli police is trying to brake the struggle as much as they can.    So, as August brings with it the one year anniversary to the evictions of the G’awi…

Leading Communist Party member MK Muhammad Barakeh accused of assaulting an officer

The Attorney General informed Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Speaker Reuven Rivlin yesterday (Sunday, November 1, 2009) that criminal charges have been filed against MK Muhammad Barakeh, chairman of Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), “for attacking an official who was discharging his legal duty, insulting a public servant, assault and interfering with a policeman in…