Addameer offices in Ramallah

Israeli Forces Raid Offices of 3 Palestinian NGOs in Ramallah

Israeli forces raided three civil society organizations in Ramallah early Tuesday, a Ma’an correspondent said. Soldiers raided the offices of the Agricultural Work Committees, prisoners group Addameer, and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, located in Qaddura refugee camp. Four laptops, one hard disk and a video camera were taken from Addameer’s office, a statement…

MK Khenin to promote royalties hike

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) welcomed a Supreme Court ruling rejecting the government’s increase of gas and oil royalties. “The Supreme Court has upheld our position that there was nothing retroactive in upping the royalties,” he said. MK Kenin said he would propose legislation that raises government royalties from natural resources once the new Knesset session…

Haifa: A protest against the attack on Iran

This past Friday (August 10) dozens rallied in Haifa against the attack on Iran. Last Monday, (August 6) two hundred demonstrated outside the Defense Ministry, with the call: “Do not bomb. Talk! Rather than continuing the rhetoric of intimidation, it is time that the State of Israel will agree to join the regional talks, due…