On new Netanyahu right-wing and neo-liberal coalition

The new Netanyahu right-wing and neo-liberal coalition will give settlers and rich people more executive power than any previous government in Israel has until now. With the Housing and Industry ministries in their hand, and political ally Moshe Ya’alon as the new defense minister, the settlers are very pleased by the new Netanyahu government.” The…

MK Khenin: Netanyahu government is dangerous for Israel

In the eve of the Knesset elections, Hadash MK Dov Khenin answers Haaretz readers’ questions in real time on Wednesday about chances of joining the next government, the situation in Syria and the two-state solution.  Haaretz readers were given the opportunity to ask MK Khenin about his political positions, individual rights, the social protest and…

Operation “Peace for Netanyahu”

Their chests puffed out with importance, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced to the media and the public the start of another war, this time in Gaza. As was to be expected, the two waved the time-worn excuse of “a war of no choice,” and as was to be expected, politicians…