The protest against the Israeli separation wall that runs through Bil'in, Friday, October 18, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

Dozens of Palestinians injured at Bil’in protest

Dozens of Palestinians suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation and one was wounded after being shot by a tear gas canister as Israeli forces opened fire on demonstrators in the West Bank town of Bil’in on Friday afternoon. Dozens of Palestinians, Israeli peace activists and international activists were taking part in a protest against the…

Demonstrator at the Anti-Prawer rally in Tel Aviv, September 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

Two years since Prawer Plan

by Dr. Thabet Abu Rass September 2013 marks two years since the Israeli government approved the Prawer Plan. The plan intends to uproot tens of thousands of Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel from their villages, to demolish their homes, and to confiscate an overwhelming majority of their lands. The government proposed this plan as a…

Demonstrators block major road in protest over home demolition

Thousands of Arab-Palestinians blocked Route 65 in Wadi Ara (Northern Israel) on Friday protesting the demolition  of a house belonging to Abu Sharkiye family which the government claims was built illegally. Protesters hurled stones, while police forces fired  tear gas and shock grenades. The police arrested two demonstrators for allegedly “attacking officers.” The house which…