Social activists in Tel Aviv protest police violence in Turkey

Several dozen protesters on Saturday and Sunday evening gathered outside the Turkish Embassy in Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv, in a symbolic act of solidarity with the Turkish people. Among them: Hadash members and social activists.

Holding aloft placards in Turkish and English and waving a black flag, the small crowd of human rights activists chanted slogans in Hebrew against Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and denounced police violence against peaceful protesters. “Enough with the violence by the state and the police,” “Democracy or rebellion,” they said.

The demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv (Photo: E.R.)

According to the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) “the retreat of the police forces from the Taksim square where the people have been resisting  for days can be considered neither as an indicator of the government’s goodwill nor can it be seen as a festival for us. Our people beat the police terror. We shouldn’t stop here. The officials that suffocated the entire city with tear gas, the police officers that continued to attack even while they were retreating from the square must be brought to account. Moreover, we should raise our struggle in order to call the government to account for all its actions and operations in the last 11 years. From this perspective, the slogan ‘Tayyip, resign!’ chanting in all the streets of Turkey is not a meaningless or vain one. This slogan is the voice of the people resisting police brutality taking place everywhere in Turkey, but especially in Ankara. This voice will debase the contradictory statements of the Government regarding the future of the Gezi Park in Taksim and will open a road to the emancipation of not only Taksim but our whole country.”
