Fidel Castro (Photo: Granma)

Fidel Castro again slams Israel’s deadly Gaza offensive

A new and repulsive kind of fascism is surfacing strongly in this moment of human history, as over seven billion people strive after their own survival, wrote Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro in his reflection article published on Monday under the title “Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza.” Castro recalls facts and details published by the media…

Palestinian women sit among the ruins of the Al-Nada towers after they were destroyed by Israeli strikes in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, August 4, 2014. The towers had 90 flats. So far, Israeli attacks have killed at least 1,870 Palestinians, and injured 9,470 since the beginning of the Israeli offensive (Photo: Activestills)

The Long Road to Gaza

Practically everywhere around the globe, it is not possible to read the newspapers or watch the news without witnessing – either briefly or at great detail – the human tragedy in Gaza. The unjust war launched by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has resulted in vast destruction in one of the most densely populated…

A demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, last week, in Buenos Aires (Photo: CTA)

Belgium advises to label products from settlements; Latin America urges peace

Belgium advised retailers on Tuesday to clearly label the origin of products made in Israeli settlements that are in occupied territories where Palestinians seek statehood. The non-binding recommendation has nothing to do with escalating conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, the Belgian Economics Ministry said, noting that Britain and Denmark already…

Activists and doctors take part in a demonstration, organized by PHR organization, against a bill to legalize forced feeding of hunger-striking prisoners in Israel, in front of the Knesset, Jerusalem, June 16, 2014. The sign reads: "I work in medicine not torture" (Photo: Activestills)

Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike; 1,300 medical personnel against force-feeding

Sixty-three Palestinian prisoners have suspended the hunger strike which they have observed in Israeli jails since late April, one of their lawyers said Tuesday. Shawqi al-Ayasa, the minister of prisoner affairs for the newly-formed Palestinian unity government, confirmed the suspension of the hunger strike, saying a major portion of prisoners’ demands had been met. Prisoners…

Peace ctivists take part in a solidarity protest with the Palestinian prisoners holding an hunger strike, outside the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, June 5, 2014. At least 6 Palestinian prisoners are hospitalized in Ichilov. Dozens of Palestinian prisoners are held in other hospitals in Israel. Most of the hunger strikes are protesting against their administrative detention by Israel.

Palestinian prisoner’s hunger strike in Israel continues

Despite objections of medical professionals and in violations of medical ethics, Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has instructed to expedite a legislation that will enable force-feeding of Palestinian prisoners currently undergoing hunger strike as protest against their administrative detention. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) called on the government to release all administrative detainees, and urges…