Upcoming “Ir Amim” Study Tour of Occupied East Jerusalem in English

Ir Amim’s next English-language study tour of Palestinian East Jerusalem will take place on Friday, October 21. These tours provide ground-level exposure to the occupation, creating a platform for critically assessing the idea of Jerusalem as the “eternal, undivided capital of Israel” and understanding the city’s fundamental role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The tour route…

President of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin and the US President, Barack Obama, during the funeral for former president Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, on Friday morning, October 1

Joint List MKs Skip Peres Funeral

Knesset Members from the Joint List announced yesterday (Friday) morning that they would not be attending the state funeral for former president Shimon Peres, who died at the age of 93. “The memory of Peres among the Arab public is different from the narrative of the last few days, and I understand that complex messages…

Jewish settlement in Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem

September 30: English Language Study Tour of East Jerusalem

On Friday, September 30, Ir Amim’s will be holding its next English-language study tour of East Jerusalem. The tour provides participants with ground-level exposure to Israel’s unilaterally annexed, eastern-half of the city and creates a platform for critically assessing the idea of Jerusalem as the “eternal, undivided capital of Israel” and understanding the city’s fundamental…