Police Crackdown on Arab Leaders Protesting Racist Budget Cuts

Mayors of Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel demonstrated outside the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem Monday to protest Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s suspension of budgetary allocations earmarked for Arab municipalities. Hadash MKs Youssef Atawne, Aida Touma-Sliman and Ayman Odeh during the demonstration in front of the Knesset on Monday, rejecting the decision of Smotrich not to transfer…

Occupation Forces Brutally Attack Sheikh Jarrah Protesters

Israeli occupation forces on Friday brutally attacked Palestinian protesters and Israeli peace activists in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah, Zo Haderech and Al-Ittihad reported. Palestinians have been angry with the Israeli occupation over its unjust plans to evict Sheikh Jarrah’s residents from their homes to replace them with settlers, under the pretext that the Palestinian homes and lands were…

Palestinians demonstrate in Hebron Wednesday night, September 8, in solidarity with their incarcerated brethren.

CPI Calls on Gov’t to Stop Attacks against Palestinian Prisoners

Massive rallies took place on Wednesday, September 8, across the occupied West Bank in support of Palestinian prisoners and condemning the administration of Israel’s Prison Service (IPS) for its brutal repression of and vengeful attacks against the incarcerated Palestinian “security prisons” following the escape of six of them from Gilboa Prison in the north of the…