Israeli doctor participating in a demonstration organized by Physicians for Human Rights in Jerusalem: "I practice medicine, not torture."

Cabinet Weighs Importing Foreign MDs to Force-Feed Hunger Strikers

Israel’s far-right government is considering importing foreign doctors to force-feed Palestinian hunger strikers if Israeli doctors continue to refuse taking part in the practice. The Israel Medical Association has advised its physician members not to participate in any force-feeding, deeming the practice inhumane. Israel’s Channel 2 reported Thursday, May 5, that the government intends to…

34 Construction Workers Died in Workplace Accidents Last Year: Hadash Activists to Demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Economy

34 construction workers died in workplace accidents last year; this according to the official answer to the parliamentary query submitted by MK Dov Khenin (Hadash – Joint List) following the alarming rise in work-related accidents in the field of construction. The reply, given to MK Khenin by Yariv Levin, the minister serving as a governmental…

Armenia Announces Its Recognition of the State of Palestine

The Foreign Ministry of Armenia announces Friday morning (June 21) that it is recognizing the state of Palestine. In a statement on its website, the ministry cites the “catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza” as well as the “establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.” “Armenians for justice in Palestine” (Photo: Armenian Action…