Public Figures Sign onto Letter Opposing Dehumanization of Gazans, Palestinians, Muslims, Israelis and Jews

The “Pro-human camp coalition” published a public letter on Thursday signed by public figures, artists and academics, declaring their commitment to fight the dehumanization of Gazans, Palestinians and Muslims, and the dehumanization of Israelis and Jews in general. Demonstrators from the Parents Circle – Families Forum, a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 bereaved families…

Israelis Rally Against Netanyahu’s Far-Right Govt for 39th Week Straight

Hundred thousand of Israelis rallied nationwide on Saturday night against the far-right government for the 39th week, after Yom Kippur saw the country’s religious-secular divide bitterly exposed at a public prayer service in Tel Aviv. Demonstrations were held across approximately 100 locations throughout the country, organizers said. Protesters in Tel Aviv blocked off the Ayalon…

Thousands Gathered in Nazareth to Celebrate May Day

Thousands gathered on Saturday for the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash May Day parade in Nazareth, this after last Wednesday the police confiscated flags from the CPI branch in the city ahead of the march. Between the red flags and the flags of Palestine, banners were carried against occupation of the Palestinian territories…

Occupation Army Blocks Solidarity March to Huwara

Occupation soldiers clashed with hundreds of Israeli peace activists trying to enter the West Bank Palestinian town of Huwara on a solidarity visit following a deadly settlers’ pogrom there earlier in the week. Four protesters who tried to go around the army roadblock were detained. Footage from the scene on Friday morning, showed troops scuffling…