Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein in the parliamentary plenum

Opposition to Attempt Taking Control of Knesset Speakership

Hopes of the Likud to form a “Zionist national emergency government” to perpetuate racist PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s hold on power appeared dampened on Friday, March 14, as the largest opposition party, Blue & White announced plans to replace the speaker of the Knesset from the Likud tomorrow (Monday, March 16). MK Benny Gantz’s Blue & White sent a…

From Netanyahu's campaign on Facebook "Get out and vote for me on Thursday."

US, UK & Aussie Capitalists Donate to Netanyahu and Sa’ar Campaigns

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his challenger in today’s (December 26) internal Likud election for the party leadership, MK Gideon Sa’ar, each received hundreds of thousands of shekels in campaign contributions from American, British millionaires, the State Comptroller’s Office website revealed on Sunday, December 22. The Knesset passed a law last year preventing Knesset…

The poll published on Friday, December 13, by Israel Hayom: "If the Knesset elections were held today, with Benjamin Netanyahu at the head of the Likud, for which party would you vote?" From left to right appear the results for the nine parties that would enter the 23rd Knesset: Blue & White, Likud, The Joint List, Shas, Yisrael Beytenu, United Torah Judaism, Labor-Gesher and The Democratic Camp. *In parentheses are the number of seats given by the Israel HaYom poll conducted on November 29, 2019. **Parties that [according to the poll] won't pass the electoral threshold [3.25%]: Union of Rightist Parties (Jewish Home-National Union) 2%; Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Strength) 1%.

New Poll Shows Gantz Increasing Lead; Joint List Winning 14 Seats

Israel’s Blue & White centrist party led by MK Benny Gantz is increasing its lead over far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, according to a pre-election poll released Friday, December 13, by Israel Hayom, the free newspaper published by the American Republican and pro-Netanyahu billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. If the elections for the 23rd…

Hadash Knesset Member Yousef Jabareen at MEMO’s conference in London on April 27, 2019

Amnesty: Discriminatory Measures Undermine Arab Reps in Knesset

Arab-Palestinians elected to Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, are being targeted by discriminatory regulations and legislation that undermine their ability to represent and defend the rights of the Palestinian minority population in Israel; Amnesty International said in a new briefing published Wednesday, ahead of upcoming Israeli elections on September 17. MK Yousef Jabareen (Hadash), a candidate of…