MK Khenin: Extend daylight savings time

Hadash MK Dov Khenin on Wednesday backed a compromise to extend Daylight Savings Time until the end of October, saying it is a step in the right direction. “Staying with Daylight Savings Time until the end of October is universally accepted and is better socially, environmentally and economically. Unfortunately, the government did not agree with…

MK Khenin to promote royalties hike

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) welcomed a Supreme Court ruling rejecting the government’s increase of gas and oil royalties. “The Supreme Court has upheld our position that there was nothing retroactive in upping the royalties,” he said. MK Kenin said he would propose legislation that raises government royalties from natural resources once the new Knesset session…

MK Khenin slams VAT increase and neo-liberal policy

MK Dov Henin (Hadash) criticized the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s economic and social policy on Tuesday over reports that the government will make up for increased spending by increasing the VAT. “Instead of cutting where necessary, they’re cutting from welfare, housing, health and education,” he charged. “Instead of focusing on taxing the rich, they are…

MK Khenin: Public housing crisis a deliberate policy

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) accused the neo-liberal government of deliberately underfunding public housing in a Knesset special session Tuesday. “Too many people in Israeli society are finding themselves in an extreme crisis regarding housing,” he said. “When there are so many cases, it becomes clear – this is not a mistake, but rather, a policy.”…

MK Khenin slams Tel Aviv Mayor

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) praised the Meretz factor in the Tel Aviv City Council on Tuesday for its decision to leave Labor Party Mayor Ron Huldai’s coalition. Khenin slammed Huldai for preventing protesters from setting up a tent city, saying, “He apparently has yet to understand that in a democracy, the mayor does not get…

MK Khenin bill would forbid natural gas exports

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) launched a bill on Tuesday, that would prohibit all exports of natural gas unless the government can ensure 50 years worth of sufficient quantities for use within Israel.  “Trade of gas without ensuring the welfare of our children will mean abandoning their health and will contradict the role of the state…