Rights groups slam plan to detain Sudanese refugees

Human rights groups slam Interior Minister Eli Yishai’s (Shas) plan to detain Sudanese refugees. According to the plan they will be placed in detention camps beginning October 15. In several interviews, Yishai said that he had instructed the Population and Immigration Authority to “begin arresting Eritrean and north Sudanese nationals” in the coming weeks. On…

The African asylum seekers protest in Tel-Aviv, June 10, 2012

Protest in Tel-Aviv: “Refugees Are Not Cancer”

Hundreds of African asylum seekers held a protest march against government policy and violence directed against them by Tel Aviv residents on Sunday. The protesters marched from Tel Aviv’s Levinsky Park to the UN mission in Ha’hashmonaim Street carrying signs which read “Don’t forget history. Being a refugee is not a choice” “A refugee is…

Activists protest outside racist MK Regev’s home

Dozens of activists gather on Saturday on Likud MK’s Miri Regev doorstep, observe moment of silence in protest of her inciting and racist statements against African migrants and refugees. Some 25 of Regev’s and Likud supporters arrived on the scene, and responded to the silent protest by shouting abusive and more racist comments at the…

Hadash against Interior Minister’s racist statement

The African refugees in Israel should be rounded up in prisons or holding facilities and then deported from the country, Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) said in a radio interview on Wednesday morning. “They should be put into holding cells or jails,” he said, “and then given a grant and sent back” to their countries of…

Five activists arrested at Tel-Aviv protest against ‘infiltrator law’; Kiryat Malachi: A rally against racism

Hundreds of demonstrators, among them Hadash activists and communists, gathered in central Tel Aviv Tuesday night, blocking a central thoroughfare for over an hour to protest the “Bill to Prevent Infiltration”, passed late Monday night in the Knesset. Police arrested five demonstrators. Chanting “no concentration camps” and “deport the interior minister” among other slogans, the…