Waleldin at a protest for refugee rights at Tel-Aviv University (Photo: Danielle Shitrit)

Hate crimes against refugees in Israel go unabated

Hate crimes against asylum-seekers rarely receive media coverage or public attention in Israel, but they continue unabated and most of the perpetrators are never brought to justice. The victims are afraid of filing complaints with the police or feel that there is no point in doing so, and policemen at times belittle the victims. In…

May Day 2014 in Tel-Aviv: Raise the minimum wage to 30 shekels an hour (Photo: Galit)

Worker exploitation: How the state supports businesses

More than 120 years have passed since May Day was first celebrated as the workers’ struggle day. Despite significant progress that has been made in the past century, such as the inclusion of workers’ rights into the public discourse and protests, and progressive labor law legislation, many employers continue to overwork and underpay their workers,…

An African asylum seeker holding matzah and an alternative Passover Haggadah outside the Holot detention center (Photo: Ziv Oren)

Hundreds of refugees and Israeli activists hold Passover Seder outside prison

Israeli activists and African asylum seekers held an alternative Passover Seder event Friday outside the Holot detention center in the Negev desert, where 1,800 African migrants are currently being held. Hundreds of African asylum seekers from the detention center attended the event, during which activists highlighted the connection between the story of the Jewish exodus from…

African asylum seekers march in Tel Aviv to protest prolonged detention, arrests made during "freedom marches" earlier in the week (Photo: Activestills)

Human rights and gay rights activists rally in Tel Aviv

Thousands of African migrants, mostly Sudanese and Eritreans, and human rights activists marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday night shouting “freedom” and “no more prison,” in protest of the implementation of the Israeli government policy to imprison most illegal migrants. The protesters demanded that they will not be sent to detention facilities in the Negev…