MK Khenin: Time to build inside Israel

   MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) has chimed in with criticism of the government’s decision to release tenders for the construction of 198 new housing units in the Efrat and Kiryat Arba settlements, accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of “not giving a damn about the world.” “Netanyahu doesn’t stop on red light,” he said. “He is…

MK Khenin: Netanyahu government is dangerous for Israel

In the eve of the Knesset elections, Hadash MK Dov Khenin answers Haaretz readers’ questions in real time on Wednesday about chances of joining the next government, the situation in Syria and the two-state solution.  Haaretz readers were given the opportunity to ask MK Khenin about his political positions, individual rights, the social protest and…

MK Khenin: The Likud moved to the extreme-right

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) on Tuesday attacked the Likud over its new extreme right-wing party list, and called for the Israeli electorate to support left-wing parties to counter the new political reality. “The Likud turned into the house of the ‘Feiglinites’ overnight,” Khenin said. “Menachem Begin would not recognize the party that just ousted (Benny)…

MK Khenin: Every hour waiting for ceasefire is costly

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) visited Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon on Tuesday, as staff were evacuating the emergency room and transferring patients to protected shelters in the basement amid constant rocket fire aimed at the region. MK Khenin said that “every additional hour of waiting for a ceasefire is unnecessary and increasing the difficult and valuable…

MK Khenin: Release proposed budget

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) has called on the neo-liberal government to publish the proposed 2012-2013 budget under freedom of information laws. “The Knesset factions rejected the proposed budget, and for that reason it was decided to go to elections,” he said on Sunday in a letter to the Finance Ministry. “Thus the elections became a…