MK Khenin: We should apologize to Leef, not put her on trial

MK Dov Henin (Hadash) on Monday spoke up against the trial of social justice movement leader Daphni Leef, due to take place later today, saying the country should apologize to Leef.

In a statement, Khenin said: “I am ashamed to be a Member of Knesset. Instead of apologizing for the brutal attack of the inspectors and police officers on Daphni, we are accusing her of disturbing them.”

Dafni Leef, one of 2011’s social protest wave leading figures seen in Tel Aviv court on January 7, 2013 on the opening of a trial in which she is accused of attacking a police officer during a protest (Photo: Activestills)

The Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court decided to postpone the opening of the trial against social activist Leef scheduled for Monday. Leef, who initiated the social justice protest in the summer of 2011, was charged with obstructing a police officer from performing his duty, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.  The court’s decision was made after Leef argued that she received notice of the hearing only on Sunday, despite the fact the indictment was drafted some two months ago.