Mourners as they attend a memorial service for 18-year-old Saji Darwish, who was shot dead by soldier in March 2014.

Dozens of Palestinians Injured in Clashes North of Jerusalem; Birzeit Students Injured during Rally

Clashes with Israeli forces left dozens of Palestinians injured in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem on Tuesday, March 10, Ma’an news agency said. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that nine demonstrators suffered injuries from live fire to their lower extremities, and one was left in critical condition. Activists told Ma’an that dozens of additional demonstrators…

The Max Rayne Hand-in-Hand School in Jerusalem.

Arab-Jewish Bilingual School Set Ablaze in Jerusalem

Saturday night, November 30, the only bilingual school in Jerusalem for Arab and Jewish children was torched after, on its walls, were sprayed messages of hate: “Kahane was right!” “Death to Arabs!” “There is no coexistence with cancer!” One classroom, the kindergarten, was totally gutted by the blaze while another was partially consumed, as was…

Palestinian-Israeli demonstration at the police cordon in the entrance to the neighborhood of al-'Esawiyah in occupied East Jerusalem, on Friday, November 7, 2014 (Photo: Guy Batavia)

Communists in Jerusalem: “Draconian Measures against Deprived Palestinian Population Not a Solution”

In response to recent events in East Jerusalem, various Israeli officials have recently made media statements about the measures they think should be taken to “ensure order in the city.” Some of these measures have been implemented: The Jerusalem Municipality has ramped up municipal law enforcement only in East Jerusalem, including for violations previously not…

The GUE/NGL European Parliament Group in solidarity with the Palestinian people (Photo: AKEL)

Regional Meeting of Communist and Workers parties of the Middle East: Statement in solidarity with Palestine

The undersigned parties and international organizations convened in Larnaka, Cyprus on the 24th and 25 of November 2014 under the slogan “Towards a Just and Lasting Peace & for Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and after thorough deliberations and discussions have agreed on the following statement: They call to:          -Recognize an independent viable state…

Demonstration in Jerusalem against occupation, war and racism, on last week (Photo: Combatants for Peace)

Israeli-Palestinian demonstration in Jerusalem: Cease fire – enough missiles and bombs

An Israeli-Palestinian demonstration will be held tomorrow Thursday, July 17, at IDF Square in Jerusalem under the sign “Cease fire – enough missiles and bombs”.According to Combatants for Peace spokesperson “on the seam between East and West Jerusalem let us, Israelis and Palestinians, sound a common voice:Cease Fire!Last week Israel initiated another operation in Gaza.…

House demolition in A-Tur, East Jerusalem, June 2009. A Day after the municipality of Jerusalem announced it'd stop demolishing homes in East Jerusalem, Abu-Jumaa's house in A-Tur was demolished (Photo: Activestills)

Municipality of Jerusalem issues demolition orders to displace 19 Palestinian residents

Inspectors of Jerusalem municipality on Monday handed a demolition warrant to a Palestinian family notifying them that two residential buildings are scheduled to be demolished, potentially displacing 19 people. According to Ma’an Palestinian News Agency, the Siyam family where told that the buildings in Silwan neighborhood would be demolished “because they were constructed without the…

Jerusalem Municipality plans garbage dump on Palestinian villages

Adalah submitted an objection, in cooperation with the Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem (CCDPRJ), on behalf of the ‘Anata Municipality to the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee against a plan to construct a landfill in East Jerusalem, on lands belonging to the Palestinian villages of ‘Anata (Population: 20,000) and Al-‘Issawiyya…

Racists torched Jerusalem building with 50 migrants

A Jerusalem apartment housing Eritrean migrants was torched by racists overnight, on Monday. Firefighters rescued 10 people, four of whom needed medical attention. They were rushed to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in the city. The Fire Department said that their initial investigation indicated arson. Investigators also found the words “Get out of the neighborhood” sprayed…

Jerusalem: Thousands march in support of Palestinian statehood

Thousands of left-wing activists marched in Jerusalem yesterday (on Friday afternoon) in a largest demonstration of support for an independent Palestinian state. Under the banner of “Independence for Palestine,” the march, which was organized by the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement, drew thousands participants, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists from across the…