Leaders of the protest issued a statement with the main principles behind the struggle for social justice

Leaders of the tent city protest, along with student leadership and representatives of social organizations and youth groups, issued a joint statement yesterday (Monday) presenting the main principles behind the struggle for social justice. Last Saturday protest in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Activestills) The Vision Document,  is titled a “Framework of investment for a new socio-economic agenda”.…

Protest for social justice and against the neo-liberal government, in Tel Aviv, last Saturday, July 30

Another Mass Rally against the Government Next Saturday

Tent protest movement leaders, at a meeting to formulate a response to the passage of the Housing Committees Bill yesterday (Wednesday), said that the government seems not to have internalized the public demand for a change in socioeconomic policy, promising to expand their protest. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu over the…

Protest leadership expands its demands to health and education, in addition to housing costs

Organizers of Israel’s mass housing protest called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday (Sunday) to engage in direct dialogue with them, blaming him for dismissing the people’s demands. Some 150,000 demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday, and a top treasury official resigned on Sunday, raising questions from leading commentators over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s…

Protestors march to Netanyahu’s home: ‘The answer to privatization is revolution’

Hundreds of militants, among them Hadash members, university students and social activists marched yesterday (Wednesday) night to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private residence in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday evening to protest Israel’s dire housing situation.  The housing protestors said that the apartment is not being used by the PM, who has two other residences, and therefore…

Housing crisis: Protestors block entrance to Knesset

Hundreds of demonstrators blocked the access route to the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) in Jerusalem today (Monday) morning in protest of high housing rates. “The people demand social justice,” they chanted. As they clashed with police officers, the protestors proclaimed “They’re also with us, they have no apartments.”  Five protestors were arrested and one police…

Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

A National Exercise in Scare Tactics

Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Barak and the remainder of Israel’s cabinet members are running a scare campaign about what, supposedly, will befall Israel if the UN General Assembly votes in September in favor of recognition for a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders. Foreign Minister Lieberman has even announced that the approval of such a resolution means no less than the annihilation of Israel.

May Day in Tel-Aviv, 2010

An Appeal for Worker Unity in the Face of Capitalist Rule

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) applauds the ascent of class struggle, as manifested in the important, prolonged strikes by the social workers, doctors, and the employees of the First International Bank of Israel (Bank Benleumi); as evidenced in the waves of organizing at factories, in private companies, and in the public sector; and as…

Israel leaves inhabitants of the West bank thirsty


Join us in protest against shortage caused by the occupation




FRIDAY, AUGUST 7th 2009 AT 13:00 (p.m.)


Jointly organized with the village council and Palestinian and international organizations, on Friday, August 7th, we will set out in a water convoy to the village of Qarawat Bani Zayid, in an act of solidarity with the villagers, and as a protest against the severe water shortage imposed on the villages of Kufr ‘Ayn, Beit Rima, Deir Ghasane, and Nabi Salah.


The convoy will include water tankers, buses, and private vehicles.